FROM 15 MARCH TO 29 MAY 2011


Aurélien Mole

Collège René Cassin / Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire

Aurélien Mole has many roles (artist, curator, art critic, exhibition photographer, historian of photography) which offer the possibility of transferring art practices from one discipline to another.
At the college René Cassin he offers a progressive exhibition. Initially, the exhibition space will be on display origami-shaped crystals. These origami actually contain a micro-actions program made by the artist inside the college, on the sly of students. These folded sheets, each describing an action, will be left to free choice of students: every week, a student will have to make the choice to leave the folded sheet form of an origami or unfold, to find a micro-action of the artist and so lose its form of crystals forever.
Should priority be given to the form or action? A reflexion on this double-nature of art, both material and immaterial.